Vivienne’s Late Night Chow is an integral part of the Wanted: Dead experience. Streaming now!

Before moving to Hong Kong and joining the Manu Militari mercenary unit as a master gunsmith, Vivienne Niemantsverdriet tried herself in a few careers. As a retired Olympic medalist she assumed the mantle of a celebrity chef. These old VHS tapes give us a glimpse into why later in life she quit cooking and started assembling things that go boom.


Once upon a time, I was an Olympic medalist, always geared towards performing better. Food was an important part of my training regime, and even though I ate little, I ate with that deep passion borne from near-starvation. Many a tournament was saved by midnight snacks, as a perennial hunger clouded my athlete’s career.

— Vivinne Niemantsverdriet


Starring Stefanie Joosten, Vivienne’s Late Night Chow is a good idea pushed too far. Directed by Vincent Konings of Kingswood Films. All episodes available on demand.